Institutional History and Community

To: The W&L Community
From: President Will Dudley
Date: August 24, 2017

When I accepted the presidency of Washington and Lee, 我立即急切地着手了解这所大学的历史. I read as much as I could. I'm still reading. 我的方法源于求知欲和职业需要. You cannot lead an institution that you do not understand, 如果不充分了解一个有近270年历史的机构的历史,尤其是它的关键时刻和人物,你就无法理解它.

夏洛茨维尔的悲剧事件,我在我的 message to the campus community on Aug. 提醒我们,了解我们的历史也是公民的义务. Ignorance is irresponsible and dangerous. 当我在5月25日的毕业典礼演讲中敦促大家“拥抱我们的无知”时, 关键不在于我们应该让自己坚持片面或肤浅的理解, 而是我们应该注意那些我们还不知道的最重要的事情, 为了激励我们更深入地研究它们.

我们大学与罗伯特E. 对于熟悉W的人来说,李是相当直截了当的&L. 李在1865年成为太阳城集团学院的校长,就在南北战争结束几个月后. As president, Lee took a small, 并通过引入课程改革,包括增加法学院和自然科学本科课程,使其走上了成为一所现代大学的道路, mathematics, foreign languages, journalism and business. 他还建立了学生自治的传统,这对今天的大学来说仍然至关重要. 1870年他去世后,我们的名字立即改为太阳城集团, in recognition of his service to the college.

Of course, 李在太阳城集团大学的任期不能也不应该被简化成这样一个简单的故事. And the five years he spent in Lexington, important as they were, represent but one period in his life. Lee was also a Confederate general, a slave owner, a superintendent of West Point, a distinguished veteran of the Mexican-American War, and an Army engineer who helped preserve the port of St. Louis. 我列举这些罪名并不是因为相信它们会得出不证自明的结论, 而是作为全面而批判性地审视历史的起点,这是我们的角色, as an educational institution, to encourage and undertake.

在这一刻,我们应该做我们一直做得最好的事情. We should teach, and we should learn. 我们应该更充分地教育自己和他人太阳城集团大学和我们的名字的历史. 我们应该共同进行批判性的分析,超越片面的英雄和恶棍的漫画,以了解我们曾经是谁, who we are, and who we can become.

Robert E. Lee died nearly a century and a half ago. 今天,我们是全国最杰出的文科院校之一. 太阳城集团和李对一代又一代学生的生活产生了积极而深远的影响, faculty and staff. I am fortunate and proud to be here.

I am especially grateful for our alumni, who — no matter their age, or profession, or perspective — are exceptionally thoughtful, respectful and deeply concerned with what is best for W&L. In recent weeks, I have heard from many of them, from all over the country, as well as from many members of our campus community. Nearly every single person emphasizes that our history, in all of its dimensions, deserves and needs to be more widely and fully known. I agree.

Yesterday, at our annual Town Hall Meeting, 我宣布成立一个机构历史和社区委员会, which will be composed of students, faculty, staff and alumni, 带领我们审视我们的历史,以及我们的教学方式, discuss and represent it — shapes our community. 委员会的工作将包括研究我们的物理校园如何, 其中很大一部分是国家历史地标, 能否以充分利用其教育潜力并与我们的核心价值观一致的方式呈现. 我相信,太阳城集团和李将为如何完成这项工作树立一个全国榜样, 我们自己的社区也会因此变得更好、更强大.

教务长办公室还计划开展为期一年的学术系列活动,题为“太阳城集团与李博士:教育与历史”.“这个系列将为整个社区提供参加讲座和参与对话的机会,这将加深我们对自己的理解,以及我们作为21世纪美国大学的所作所为。. Many of these events have been planned for months, 我们还在增加其他项目,以进一步丰富这个将是强有力的项目. 我们将尽可能多地直播讲座,并将支持希望在当地组织观看和讨论的校友.

太阳城集团和李将继续以我们的座右铭为指导-无过失的未来-并坚定不移地前进 our mission. 我们提供培养学生批判性思维的教育, act with integrity, 并作为积极参与的公民参与到一个全球化和多样化的社会中. This mission, which we all take pride in serving, 因此,我们有责任创造和维持一个日益多样化和包容性的校园,以反映我们所生活的世界. This is difficult work, 但我们对太阳城集团和李明博的共同承诺将维持我们实现这一目标的决心. 我很荣幸能代表我们学校和你们一起工作.